Yesterday it's quite tiring day for me. I have to go three places in a day, morning to have my car service at Glenmarie because my car last service was last year August.
Then afternoon to event at Mydin USJ, you can read up about the event soon at I am glad to have meet up with my friend there. After event going to pick my son and it was almost 5pm so traffic jam is bad. I needed wait long for the traffic light because green light the car infront of me doesn't want to move!
At night I watched horror with my dear, the movie Second Coming is Chinese horror movie speaking in Cantonese. We were almost late, after he parked the car I speed walking in the mall to reach top level of Midvalley to collection the movie passes. I thought I have the correct seating but the number of A9 and A10 in Hall 7 THX GSC Midvalley do not have these seating. I walk out of hall to registration to ask again, I was guided to seat another seating was told that if the seating got people come to sit we will need to move another seating.
I think someone given them the wrong cinema hall plan, it doesn't seem right!
Then afternoon to event at Mydin USJ, you can read up about the event soon at I am glad to have meet up with my friend there. After event going to pick my son and it was almost 5pm so traffic jam is bad. I needed wait long for the traffic light because green light the car infront of me doesn't want to move!
At night I watched horror with my dear, the movie Second Coming is Chinese horror movie speaking in Cantonese. We were almost late, after he parked the car I speed walking in the mall to reach top level of Midvalley to collection the movie passes. I thought I have the correct seating but the number of A9 and A10 in Hall 7 THX GSC Midvalley do not have these seating. I walk out of hall to registration to ask again, I was guided to seat another seating was told that if the seating got people come to sit we will need to move another seating.
I think someone given them the wrong cinema hall plan, it doesn't seem right!
Traffic in KL is really crazy!
yeah, so scary only 10 min ride becomes 30 min ride.
I rather to take public transport these days. Less traffic jam and cheaper ^^
if the places are nearby public transport I don't mind.
Ya that's the case. Sometime we just don't have a choice.
true, take it as good exercise.
Wow 3 places in one day must be tiring huh?
Well at least you guys had fun :D
But spending time with family is great
I love visiting to many places but I hate traffic jam. Hihi.
I agree with you, time spend on waiting car park too!
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