Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cute Oreo truck so fun!

Yeah above is the cute Oreo truck you are looking it, it is fun and my kids love it. Look there are five packet of Orea biscuits inside. My son loves to eat Oreo dip in milk.

After eating the Oreo the truck is useful to keep sake of toys too. Now my baby is busy playing the balloon. He loves taking the balloon and giving me to throw it and he tried to catch it. Yeah next Saturday will need to bring him to check up and injection. He's 15 month old and I am busy take care of him. He's so active, he can climb up the chair and stand on it. He can climb up the staircase.

He would be open the closet and drawers, he likes to throw things too. Many toys are broken because he threw them. He can run very fast, it is tiring bring him out to shopping mall. He does not like to sit in stroller, he likes to explore.

I don't think I am going to have another baby, it is costly to have more kids. No kidding talk about their kindergarten fees, expenses, etc.

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