Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tanamera Spa@Central Market Kuala Lumpur

Here is your chance to take a closer look at Tanamera spa product they have promotion on the spot. You can schedule your plan now because they will be at Central Market outdoor stage Kuala Lumpur on 25 March, 2012. It fall on Sunday and I can't make it I need a friend to collect my eco gift, who can help me?

There is special appearance of Dato' Sheila Majid.

For Tanamera spa products there is 40% discount on retail products and free samples. I love going to spa and I like to know more about their spa products. This is your chance to get FREE Tanamera goodies on spot by bring your old good condition clothes to the EcoKnights booth.


Tom @SpaMore said...

Yah, I might drop by this Sunday to check out their products.

Sherry Go Sharing said...

Hi Tom is not this Sunday but next Sunday

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