Monday, April 19, 2021

What new mom needs? Chinese mom perhaps know about the products...

 Sharing is caring, if you know of new parents or pregnant mom that looking for confinement centre or health care related products of confinement, mom's health care of before and after having baby. Sign up at, Free RM28 cash e-voucher! Enjoy your shopping from 23 April to 25 April 2021 discounts up to 90%! 

I recalled drinking red dates daily during my confinement. I had ectopic pregnancy before my boys, my right fallopian tube has been remove due to bleeding. The surgery was during my 8 weeks of pregnancy as I was having brown spots and pain on and off on my lower tummy. It was upsetting as I went to the medical centre at USJ, Taipan for several times and the doc said the scan didn't detect any pregnancy but blood test shows is pregnant. I recalled having to go daily to get my blood test, 3rd day of it we decided to go SJMC to have gynae to check. The doc scanned and immediately saw its ectopic pregnancy. Surgery has to be done with in 2 days! The surgery was suppose in the night but doc said that if I can hold the pain or not, if yes then next day only surgery as the night surgery costs even more. We decided that to go for next day surgery. 

The Chinese saying that left side is girl, right is boy, so I am not sure is it that's why I am only have two sons and there's no girl. But on the other hand, there's saying that is man that decide the gender of the baby, what's your say?


SWS 28 Medical's Products you can find at their website are as following:

FRESH WAVE anti-bacterial sanitizer spray,can be sprayed directly on the skin, adults, pregnant women and children can use it with peace of mind and will never harm the tender skin of children. It can also be used to disinfect all household items, clothing, household items, floors, cars, toys, etc. 

MOSOFF Kinoplus, it is formulated with 100% non-toxic natural plant extracts.The cream features a 3-in-1 formulation that repels mosquitoes, relieves itchy bug bites also moisturises the skin at the same time. I like the zesty scent of Kaffir Lime essential oil.

Poh Shuang Oil , it has the double protection oil, double effect, double protection, mild and non-irritating to the skin. Traditionally used to relieve stomach pain, baby's flatulence, mild diarrhea, vomiting and drive wind. Don't let baby's hand touch when applying, if the symptoms above persist without improvement, please consult a doctor.

Bebesup Sensitive Wet Wipes 20pcs, It has the Super Food formula extracts with anti-inflammatory, regeneration, active skin, and skin vitalization properties. Bebesup Sensitive is a representative product of our Baby Skin Lab. Premium wet wipes for newborn and baby with sensitive skin. 

Red Date (Non-sulphur Bacteria) 500g, the modern pharmacology found that jujube contains protein, sugar, Organic acids , vitamin A , vitamin C, a variety of trace calcium and amino acids and other rich nutrien.


Wolfberry 200g,Protects Liver Against Infections,Aids In Reducing Stress And Fatigue,Reduces Risk Of Cardiovascular Diseases,Helps To Reduce High Cholesterol Level,Improves Gastrointestinal Functions,Beneficial In Controlling Diabetes,Protects Brain Cells From Damage,Helps To Slow The Growth Of Cancer Cells

Dried Longan 200g,often used in chinese cuisine and Chinese sweet dessert soups. Also in Chinese food therapy and herbal medicine, it is believed to have an effect on relaxation.

Classic 8 Essentials Soup,Sws28 uses all natural herbs to introduce the golden ratio of Classic 8 essentials soup. It has the effect of replenishing qi and blood.

Classic Waist Tonic + Lipofer Iron,Specially created by traditional , the waist supplement formula is used ,and a new element “ Lipofer Iron “ is added to enhance the effect of tonify the kidney,and conditioning the waist. NO 1 Lipofer Iron.

SWS 28 Medical 永生育婴堂 的产品包括:补腰精加铁,红枣,枸杞,龙眼,八珍汤,保双油,Fresh Wave滅菌噴霧,Bebesup Wet Wipes 及 Mosoff 乳霜


红枣[⽆加⼯硫磺],红枣具有益气养肾, 补血养颜, 补肝降压, 安神壮阳, 治虚劳损之功效。

 枸杞,含有丰富的胡萝卜素, 多种维生素和钙, 铁等健康眼睛的必需营养物质

 龙眼,补气血, 益智宁心, 安神定志的功效, 气血不足所致的失眠, 健忘, 惊悸, 眩晕


 保双油,保雙油 雙倍功效 雙倍保护, 温和不刺激肌肤. 传统上用于舒缓肚痛不适, 宝宝胀风, 轻徴肚泻, 呕吐和驱风
*如病状持续, 没有改善, 请向医生诊询

Fresh Wave滅菌噴霧,不含酒精,採用天然植物萃取以達到滅菌防菌等功效。

 Bebesup Wet Wipes,韩国婴儿防敏感湿巾,没有任何害化学物质,对手和脸安全,对新生和敏感皮肤安全。

 Mosoff 乳霜,滋润肌肤,缓解红痒, 无酒精,敏感肌都可安全使用


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