Sunday, January 4, 2015

Shopping son school uniforms

Last night we head to NSK Kuchai Lama after celebrate my bro's twins daughter birthday. I am happy to find cheap school uniform for son. I bought five pairs of school uniform pants for him. Three pairs are size 36, another two pairs are size 38. He can fit in 36 and 38, at home he's having size 34. Each pair of pants RM8, it's worth to purchase and I am happy to shop there. We brought mom-in-law and niece to go NSK as mom haven't go there for a long time.

It was full parking last night but we didn't give up looking for parking. I am glad we decided to go NSK as I can shop for affordable school uniform pants for son. We bought some vegetables too. I saw body shower Carrie Junior RM13 for member but I didn't purchase any.

I haven't shop for son's white shoes for schooling. It seems they didn't have a bigger size for him. Looks like I need to bring him to other shop to find his white shoes. He current shoes size 5 but I was told soon he's can't fit in anymore. His Mickey Mouse white shoes no longer fit him though its long lasting wear.

He's standard three this year, I hope he has interest to learn and study smart in class. It's going to be a tough year for him. 

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