Thursday, March 20, 2014

Review: Haunt Movie 2014

Today is my lonely day, oh well supposed I have dated my dear to watch The Haunt movie last night but he was late back so we didn't go for movie.

This morning before noon I reached the Paradigm mall, I shopped for watches for my son. I bought two watches from Daiso and another two watches from sales, each RM5. No watter expensive or cheap watch I bought, he's easily spoiled the watch. So I know it's better to purchase cheap watch for him.

The Haunt Movie is about the haunted house, apparently the new family that moved in they parents known of the stories of the haunted house but they didn't believe any of it. The children, one of them name Evan, he is 18 years old meet a new friend/neighbour named Samantha. Samantha knows of the house that Evan moved in, she sneak in the house one night to his bed and sleep next to him.

The haunted house with many murders in the house, it's kind of a sad story about Haunt Movie.

The movie rated PG 13 for GSC, but TGV rated above 18. I think is best for 18 above to watch this movie.

This movie is quite quiet unlike other horror movies I have watched with lot of scary sound.


Mermaid said...

I hate horror movie. huhu
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Princess Neverland said...

You really watch a lot of movies!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@Miss Ika, can watch comedy read up Mr. Peabody & Sherman review on


@Princess Neverland, life entertainment :D

Miss Anonymous said...

I hate horror movie. Its take 3 month for me to forget every scene in the movie.

Sherry Go Sharing said...

that's exciting, which movie was it?

мs. вавз чuмıкo said...

I'm not a fan of horror movies too :(

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