Friday, March 1, 2013

NH Vege F'bre Plus review

I am sure you like to know how to win the cute camera hang on bag, or the two sachets of NH Vege F'bre Plus. Stay tune on this blog as I will let you know soon.

I tried out one sachet of this NH Vege F'bre Plus, it is easy to drink just add the sachet to lukewarm water and drink it. I can tell you the taste maybe unpleasant it is up to individual, some people say it is tasty. I drank it then four hours later I need to go toilet, yeah passing out something black. Yeah you read it correctly its black and I don't know what it is.

This product does not give me a stomach pain like others, anyway it is my first time to try fibre drink which is rich botanical nutrients.

I shared two sachets with my sister-in-law she is choosing the right date to drink it. :D


мs. вавз чuмıкo said...

OMG,how to win these?? :D

мs. вавз чuмıкo said...

Awww that mini camera keychain is so cute :3 <3.<3

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