I always love shopping and now I am also interested on contest too. Here's one contest that you shouldn't be missing out. The contest is happening at Hedge Against Speculation . They are the 3 Platinum, 6 Prestige, and 11 Performance prize packages that will be given away:
Platinum prizes (each package valued at around $275):
Prize 1
1 year free hosting on a Standard Plan from Think411 ($50 value)
1 hour consultation time with The University Kid ($50 value)
1 month 125×125 ad space from The Wild Invester ($11 value)
1 “Work Smart, Get Rich” eBook from Ebook-Rich ($15 value)
1 month full membership to to Daily Day Trades and Option Day Trades ($96 value)
1 year VIP membership to CreateBanner.com from Xavier Media ($35 value)
3250 EC credits from Freebie Reporter ($16 value)
10 free paper-&-ink greeting cards at SendOutCards.com from Word of Mouth Marketing ($25 value)
Prize 2
Self Caricature Portrait from Fresh Meat Design ($100 value)
3000 EC credits from DesignersDepot ($15 value)
1 month 125×125 ad space from Life is Colourful ($30 value)
1000 EC credits and a 1 month 100×100 ad space from Webmaster Plaza/WebSterly ($15 value)
2 week 125×125 ad space from Michael Aulia’s Tech Blog ($8 value)
1 permanent link in the Madmouse Web Directory and 1 permanent link in the Deep Links Listing Directory ($24 value)
A *Bundle Pack 2* from 1 Cool File ($20 value)
1 year VIP membership to CreateBanner.com from Xavier Media ($35 value)
10 free paper-&-ink greeting cards at SendOutCards.com from Word of Mouth Marketing ($25 value)
Prize 3
Your choice of a piece of artwork in the ACEO section (Art Cards, Editions, and Originals) or a custom order from Christy DeKoning ($20 value)
$10 SpoofCard from PagedLife ($10 value)
500 EC credits, 3 months of free ad space, and a pair of earrings from DecMeadow Studios ’s Etsy Shop ($30 value)
1 hour consultation time with The University Kid ($50 value)
30 minute blog consultation with The Net Fool ($40 value)
1 “Work Smart, Get Rich” eBook from Ebook-Rich ($15 value)
1 permanent link in the Madmouse Web Directory and 1 permanent link in the Deep Links Listing Directory ($24 value)
1 year VIP membership to CreateBanner.com from Xavier Media ($35 value)
2500 EC credits from Yimto Affiliate Marketing Blog ($12.50 value)
1200 EC credits from Sherry Rambling ($6 value)
10 free paper-&-ink greeting cards at SendOutCards.com from Word of Mouth Marketing ($25 value)
Prestige prizes (each package valued at around $70):
Prize 4
500 EC credits and a Premium blog header design from ROCKFUSE
2000 EC credits from Joan Joyce
1 month 468×60 ad spot from Webmaster Plaza/WebSterly
1 month 125×125 ad spot from Intermission at Work
1 month 125×125 ad spot from Jean Costa
10 free paper-&-ink greeting cards at SendOutCards.com from Word of Mouth Marketing
Prize 5
2000 EC credits from Sense to Save
1000 EC credits from Reap Money Online
1000 EC credits and a blogroll link from The Path to the Pegasus LetterA free blog review from TysBlog
1 month 125×125 ad spot from Jean Costa
10 free paper-&-ink greeting cards at SendOutCards.com from Word of Mouth Marketing
Prize 6
1000 EC credits from JoeTech
1000 EC credits from Saxon
1000 EC credits from Scramories
1000 EC credits and a 1 week 125×125 ad spot from Chica & Pumuckl
1 month 125×125 ad spot from Jean Costa
1 month 468×60 ad spot from Time For A Smile
10 free paper-&-ink greeting cards at SendOutCards.com from Word of Mouth Marketing
Prize 7
2000 EC credits from Archon Digital
1000 EC credits from Entrecard Favorites and a 1 week top ad spot from Diet Pulpit
1 month 125×125 ad spot from Jean Costa
300 EC credits and a blogroll link from Blogpowered
1 year VIP membership to CreateBanner.com from Xavier Media
10 free paper-&-ink greeting cards at SendOutCards.com from Word of Mouth Marketing
Prize 8
2000 EC credits from Virtual Millenium
1000 EC credits from Webmaster Plaza/WebSterly
1 week 125×125 ad spot from shearyadi
300 EC credits and a blogroll link from JunkieYard
1 year VIP membership to CreateBanner.com from Xavier Media
10 free paper-&-ink greeting cards at SendOutCards.com from Word of Mouth Marketing
Prize 9
1 month 125×125 ad spot from getonebyone and a ”GetPaidToWatch.info” domain from mozay
500 EC credits from Fantasy Baseball, 500 EC credits from The Realtor, 250 EC credits from Worldwide Travel Blog, and 200 EC credits from tenForty
300 EC credits and a blogroll link from Nick Throlson
1 week 125×125 ad spot from Magpies Zone
10 free paper-&-ink greeting cards at SendOutCards.com from Word of Mouth Marketing
Performance prizes (each package valued at around $15):
Prize 10
1000 EC credits and a 1 month 125×125 ad spot from Kacper Wrzesniewski
Prize 11
1000 EC credits and a 1 month 125×125 ad spot from Treasure Nature
Prize 12
1000 EC credits from Personal Finance Management Guide and a 100×100 ad spot from Webmaster Plaza/WebSterly
Prize 13
Prize 14
1000 EC credits from Orangeinks and a 1 month 125×125 ad spot from The Germz
Prize 15
1000 EC credits from A Singaporean in London and a 1 month 125×125 ad spot from Make A Pound
Prize 16
1000 EC credits from Dot Com Mogul and a 1 month 125×125 ad spot from Better Interpersonal Communication
Prize 17
1000 EC credits and a blogroll spot from Is a Mans World
Prize 18
1000 EC credits from BaReFooTeD Me, 250 EC credits and a blogroll spot from The Sugarbuzz Project
Prize 19
1000 EC credits from, 50 EC credits and a 125×125 ad spot from sekelumit sikap, tindakan dan pendapat saya
Prize 20
1000 EC credits from Article Specialist, 10 free paper-&-ink greeting cards at SendOutCards.com from Word of Mouth Marketing
Just to spice things up I will add $100 to the pot if we get 100+ participants. On top of this, the first 100 participants will get the eBook titled “Seven Ways To Live A Better Life” from The University Kid. So the bonus prize will be…
Prize 21
$100 PayPal cash from Hedge Against Speculation
Contest ends on June 15, there's still time. Don't let this chance get away! Find out about the rules at the site.
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