Monday, April 22, 2019

Start Them Young On Healthy Eating with Alce Nero Organic Pasta for Kids

There are many reasons to start your kids on a healthy preferably organic diet from an early age.

The term ‘organic’ means that the food is a product of a farming system which avoids the use of man-made fertilizers and pesticides on the crops, feeding additives to the livestock, using radiation and genetically modified organisms1.

Research points to the benefits of a balanced diet that includes certified organic foods as it is absent of chemicals from pesticides, that may affect the child’s developing body and brain.

While hormones and chemicals in responsibly grown non-organic food are small, research suggests that even low levels of pesticide exposure in an extended period of time can affect young children’s neurological and behavioral development, with evidence showing links between pesticide exposure to neonatal reflexes, psychomotor and mental development, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder2.

Another reason of switching children to an organic diet is to reduce their exposure to organophosphates, a type of neurotoxicant pesticide that can cause significantly lower activity in the central and peripheral nervous system. It can be found in many commercially produced non-organic foods3.

The case for switching over to a more organic diet especially for kids is strong. However, children have minds of their own and tend to like the chemically coloured, artificially flavoured snack foods and highly processed fast foods. Sigh.

One strategy that has worked for parents is to start them young on healthy eating so that they develop the taste for good food, if possible organic food. This approach does require some creativity from parents but can result in children who have a preference for better, healthier food that can result in healthier food choices.

Alce Nero, a leader among eco-conscious and health conscious consumers is here to help stressed out parents start their little ones on a journey of delicious and healthy organic eating with its super cute and super good Organic Alphabet Pasta and Organic Vehicle Shape Pasta.

The brand’s farm-to-table concept is made possible by working with its network of organic farmers, making the produce much healthier. This new addition to the brand’s extensive line of authentic Italian organic produce is 100% organic certified by European Union law and by JAS organic agriculture in Japan.

Incorporating Vegetables in Children’s Diets
Alce Nero’s Organic Pasta for kids includes dehydrated organic spinach green letters, and dehydrated organic tomato red letters. Kids enjoy the coloured letters, and will be so engaged sorting letters and colours before that they will eat them without making faces about the hidden vegetables. Over time they will develop the taste for organic foods and lose their fear of vegetables, too! Their minds will be stimulated and they will recognise letters too that can help with picking up reading skills. Eat healthy and get a head start on reading skills with Alce Nero Organic Pasta for Kids.

Kid-friendly Organic Meal
Kids love pasta with tomato sauce. Alce Nero has you covered for a kid-friendly organic meal just prepare Alce Nero Organic Alphabet Pasta according to the instruction, and the same time warm up Alce Nero Pasta Tomato Sauce in a pan. Depending on your child’s tolerance for organic vegetables and proteins, add what he or she likes, then combine the pasta with the pasta sauce. Grate some cheese over this tasty meal and watch your child’s delight. Alce Nero Organic Pasta Tomato Sauce is so good, it can be all the flavour your organic pasta needs if you’re short of time.

Aimed to make meal time exciting again, parents can engage with their children by asking them to spell out words with the alphabet, or identify the different vehicles that the pasta comes in. They will be so taken up with the activities that come with enjoying the Alce nero Pasta for Kids that can help them adopt to organic eating habits from a tender age, reinforcing the message that organic food is delicious and fun too!

Malaysian parents can use Alce Nero products with confidence as it is certified Halal by official certification bodies recognized by JAKIM.

For more wholesome, unique and organic recipes that you and your little ones can enjoy together, please visit and Facebook page

About Alce Nero
Alce Nero was established in the 1970’s, when two cooperatives of young Italian farmers decided to pioneer the organic revolution, producing wholesome food while respecting the environment. Alce Nero combines old farming methods with the most advanced research on health and the environment. The techniques have evolved, but our seal of quality is still based on the simple ingredients that Alce Nero was created from: love of food, respect for the environment, and banning of synthetic chemical substances.

Today, Alce Nero is the No 1 organic brand in Italy. Our producers are involved in all stages of manufacture, allowing us to enforce respect of our principles throughout the production process and accurately trace our food to its origins. Thus, we can guarantee high quality, 100% organic, authentically Italian products brought straight from our fields to your plate. Alce Nero is famed for its organic certifications by the most stringent certification bodies from European Union and Japan.
In Malaysia, Alce Nero carries a fine range of organic pasta, extra virgin olive oil, pasta sauces, jam and honey. For more information please visit

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