Saturday, February 27, 2010

Server update?

I have got this email but I am not sure who it is from, it has not state it is from who. I wonder which server of blog hosting.

If you are seeing this news, that means you are still in the old server QUAD1.

We are upgrading our new server to Q9550 and hence we have started to move accounts. All accounts are in the new server however not restored yet. They are being restored now as we speak.

Please do not make any modifications yet to your sites to avoid losing updates.

We will send another news when all accounts have been restored in the new server, together with the new nameservers / nameserver IPs.

If you are using our nameservers, you don't have to change anything.

Timeline for the whole transfer / upgrade:

We have purchased a new server and we are targeting to start with the set up of the new server, cPanel installation, server hardening and account transfers starting tomorrow, February 26 and may last up to February 28.

February 26:

- set up of our new server
- installation of pertinent scripts
- build Apache with required modules
- harden the security of the server
- if time permits we might be able to begin with the account transfer by tomorrow

February 27
- migrate all accounts to the new server
- installation of softaculous and whmphp
- hook up the server to our offsite backup server to perform daily and weekly backups
- set up our Nagios monitoring system to monitor the new server

February 28
- set up of our Nagios monitoring system to monitor the new server

Thank you very much for bearing with us.

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