Friday, January 1, 2010

Last month top droppers of 2009

Thank you for dropping, and Happy New Year!

Dropper # of drops
Twins Happiness 12
a luxurious end 4
A Nomadic Vissions 3
There is Happiness 3
Anna's Adornments 3
My Careless Whispers 2
The Divine Miss Mommy 2
High-Tech 360 2
The Traveler's Journey 2
my kids are my world 2


  1. I learned of Entrecard through autism blogs I was reading and through Twitter. I have done searches on twitter with Summize using Entrecard as my search term to find new blogs to visit and drop on.

  2. can't drop ecs because my computer has problem i think, puro itim nakikita kong kulay sa widgets.


I appreciate every comment but if I find it as spam it will not be approved. Take time to visit my blogs
NameSherry dot com
iLUVcontest dot blogspot dot com
Sherry contest dot blogspot dot com